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It is amazing how unknown extremely high dividend paying sectors get. The following are sectors where 6% plus dividend paying stocks occur. The kings of high dividend paying stocks are royalty stocks, master limited partnerships and reits (real estate investment trusts). Some carefully selected closed-end mutual money is also of interest. I remember having to […]

If you depart this world behind and enter the unknown and unreported regarding small-caps and micro-stocks, the truth changes. Wall Street is blind for this reality transfer. When you stop to consider it the stock exchange is divided into two earth’s. The world of big-cap stocks and whatever else .. Big-cap stocks are beloved by […]

One important lesson every stock market investor have to know is the importance of appropriate moment. In the stock market game, the trends can fluctuate very basically. One moment a particular stocks skyrockets, and so may unknowingly plummet simply like easily. For this reason the magnitude of constant monitoring and proper timing for swaping must […]

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