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Federal Employers Liability Act The federal employees liability law (FELA) allows railroad workers who are injured to sue their employers. Unlike workmen’s compensation laws, which award payouts regardless the cause of the accident, FELA requires plaintiffs to show that negligence by the railroad caused their injuries. Families of railroad workers who have passed away from […]

Federal Employers Liability Act The Federal Employers Liability (FELA) provides a unique legal entitlement to compensation for railroad employees who suffer injuries. This federal law, in contrast to state laws governing workers’ compensation, requires injured railroad employees show negligence on the part of their employers. FELA was approved by Congress in 1908. The FELA allows […]

FELA Lawyers FELA lawyers are able to assess the severity of your injuries including medical expenses, future medical costs along with lost wages and other damages that are not economic like pain and suffering. They also know how to effectively gather and present evidence. You have the right to legal advice. Employers cannot dismiss you […]

FELA and the Railroad Industry The FELA protects railroad workers. It covers a wide range of employees that include locomotive engineers, brakemen conductors, firemen, signalmen carmen, clerical, and signalmen workers. In contrast to other types of workers compensation claims, FELA requires proof of negligence. This can be difficult particularly for injuries and illnesses that develop […]

Federal Employers Liability Act The risk of serious injury and death on railroads led Congress to adopt the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) in 1908. FELA changed the law of the land by permitting injured workers to claim damages even when their employer was not negligent. It also permits the claimant to file a claim […]

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