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How to File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Many medical malpractice lawsuits require a lot of time and resources from both doctors and lawyers. This includes doctor hours and work product attorneys’ time, court costs as well as expert witness fees and many other costs. A medical malpractice lawsuit can be filed in the event that […]

Medical Malpractice Law Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider is not adhering to the accepted standard of care. However, not all mistakes or injuries that result from treatment are medical malpractice that is liable for compensation. A physician is required to treat his patients with reasonable competence and care. Medical malpractice lawsuits that claim […]

Making Medical Malpractice Legal Medical malpractice is a highly specialized legal area. Physicians must take steps to protect against the risk of liability by purchasing medical malpractice insurance. Patients must prove that the doctor’s breach of duty has caused them harm. Damages are contingent on economic losses like lost income, future stone mountain medical malpractice […]

Medical Malpractice Law Medical malpractice cases are those that result from injuries that result from the negligence of the healthcare professional. There are different laws applicable to these cases, which include specific statutes of limitations and damages. Malpractice occurs when an individual is not treated with the same level of care as other physicians would […]

How to File a Medical Malpractice Case A patient who finds an object foreign to the body such as surgical clamps within her body after gall bladder surgery may make a claim for medical malpractice. A successful claim must demonstrate the elements of medical malpractice: duty, deviance from this duty and direct reason. It is […]

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