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Ellis Island has a database greater than twenty-two million passenger arrivals between 1892-1924. This site is free. Put in a name, you can just put a surname, most likely get the ship manifest and the specifics of your ancestor. You could then order a duplicate of the manifest and the picture of your ship. The […]
I think my elusive grandmother landed in Boston in 1890, but I can’t get evidence this. She may go to Canada as some of our family decided to Newfoundland which usually ended up in Nj. Massachusetts has immigration records from 1848-1891. I went online tonight determined a possible: lady, from Co Cork, Ireland arrived on […]
Not only are we labeled as chronic complainers with attitudes, we’re kinds out-spoken, bossy, arrogant, talkative or worse, impatient. But wouldn’t include an attitude if you tried obtain an empty taxi next day of day to no avail? Or a parking site? How about an easy seat over the subway? Does anyone like being crushed […]