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40 Although schools cannot use the new federal abstinence-only money to fund any curriculum that covers contraception, some schools already have these curricula in place. In Texas, backers of the abstinence-only curriculum Teen Aid formed the McClennan County Coalition for Abstinence Programs specifically to solicit federal funds to bring the curriculum to the area’s 17 […]
It could frequently feel like it, however understanding females merely “feels” extremely hard since you attempt to “think” on your path all around. Long-time friendships have been cast aside, and Human Resources departments have been weaponized in an attempt to purge actual or suspected Peterson acolytes from the milieu of ‘progressive’ downtown Toronto circles. Some […]
A CDC analysis reveals the annual number of new STIs is roughly equal among young women and young men. These are among findings from a VicHealth, University of Melbourne and Social Research Centre report, which reveals worrying attitudes to violence against women among Australia’s young people compared to their parents’ generation. There are two standouts […]