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You are right – we should address low-hanging fruit. BPM models regarding Opportunity and Business Interaction Models show larger organizational strategic views than conventional LSS process modeling. Could have a near perfect, Chocolate Cupcake production process, and the whole company could go down after we don’t collectively, as a company, understand market and competitor applies […]

“Study” Secure of Action: “We’ve documented all of our processes. We’ve flow charted. We’ve Value Stream Planned. We’ve done standard-work studies. We his now have an entire 3-ring notebook full expertise.” What’s the impact been on overall company well-being? Not any change. Everyone witnesses that it is not good to become overweight, learn many fat […]

We acquire formal accreditation for Black Belts. This is a soap box of mine because I may easily say, yup, you might be a Black Belt, well ! I am not qualified to must. I am not accredited Master Black Belt. I do a Master Black Belt’s job on the other hand am not accredited […]

Phase 4 – STANDARDISE (SEIKETSU). All areas need to standardised. Described above individuals need to be provided responsibility and managed correctly. If implemented correctly you will have the “buy in” on a workforce; they will understand why these new procedures are being put into place and thus will in order to be be one aspect […]

Everyone knows that it is not good staying overweight, specifically how many overweight people actually ever permanently drop? This is mainly because all the diets and advice in the world will do nothing unless the eating and exercise culture switches. Beyond obtaining certification, will be important to keep a regarding reference material. There are many […]

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