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A delay of more than a second in shifting from the neutral to drive or reverse gear, could mean that there is a problem with the transmission. If on changing from a neutral or park position to the drive or reverse gear, the car does not immediately catch the gear and move forward or backward, […]

Prepping a car to be towed to the car salvage yard isn’t something most people want to deal with. So the next option is to call a professional car removal company. Thirdly we need to talk about warranty on used parts and how do we warrant the parts and how will a problem be corrected […]

When the car fitted with such a gear box is going to start from standstill, the two cones of the drive shaft will move apart making the diameter lower and the two cones of the pulley on the transmission shaft will move together making the diameter of the pulley higher. This means the pulley connected […]

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