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Alvin Forster, deputy director with North P&I club, cited possible engine failure in busy shipping lanes, while Precious Shipping’s Hashim said members investing in expensive low-sulphur fuel should not have to share the loss on any scrubber claims. Oct 15 (Reuters) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday said it would investigate the Texas […]

‘Recently moved into my new home,’ wrote one shopper in their review on Amazon. ‘The sonic scrubber was a godsend! Used it to clean washing machine, dishwasher and to clean the grease from the grout in my kitchen tiles.’ Yes, the once disregarded body of water is now the center for health care and researches. […]

Rodsi Bhatia writes articles for business products and other manufacturing units. Acmas Technocracy Pvt.Ltd is a leading Manufacturer of scientific laboratory equipments such as , Fume Hood Scrubber & First step of foot spa is the removal of nail polish. After nail polish is removed, you can start the cleansing process. Cut down the length, […]

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