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The Federal Railroad Administration The Federal Railroad Administration is among the 10 agencies of DOT which are responsible for intermodal transportation. Its purpose is to ensure the safe and secure movement of goods and people. FRA field inspectors examine the railroad track signals, train control and track systems, as well as operating practices. They also […]

Choosing a Fela Accident Attorney A knowledgeable fela accident lawyer can provide effective representation in your case. They will negotiate with the insurance companies and determine the appropriate compensation to compensate you for your injuries. They will also represent you in court if necessary. The timely treatment of your medical condition will aid in recovery […]

FELA Attorneys Near Me A FELA lawyer with years of experience can assist you to file an injury claim against railroad. However it is important to note that a FELA lawsuit is not identical to a workers’ comp or personal injury claim. The railroad companies will defend these claims, and will try to limit the […]

Federal Employers Liability Act In 1908, Congress passed the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) which was a law designed to safeguard railroad workers from harm and death. FELA changed the law of common law by allowing injured workers to recover damages even in the event that their employer was not negligent. They can also file […]

FELA Lawyers FELA lawyers have the experience to analyze all aspects of your injuries, including medical expenses, future medical costs, lost wages, and other damages that are not economic like pain and suffering. They also know how to gather and present evidence efficiently. You have an absolute right to seek legal advice. You can’t be […]

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