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FELA Lawsuit Settlements The FELA injury claims procedure is similar to any other personal injury lawsuit. Your lawyer will assist you investigate your injuries and accidents and negotiate a settlement. During this time it is essential to obtain medical documentation and expert testimonies that establish the extent of your injuries. These can strengthen your case […]

Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) The Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA), protects railroad employees who make claims for injuries sustained in the course of work. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees for filing claims. It also eliminates the assumption-of-risk defense and lowers the burden of evidence. FELA cases are unique and require an experienced […]

Federal Employers Liability Act Vs Jones Act Every employer is responsible for keeping their workers secure at work. Those working in high-risk areas are required to meet higher standards of safety. Railroad employees are protected under a federal law known as FELA. This enables them to claim compensation for injuries. Contrary to state workers’ compensation […]

FELA Claims and How to File Them FELA claims are able to bypass the limitations on damages that are typically applicable to workers’ compensation cases. However, the railroad companies will attempt to limit your claim when they question your injuries and their severity. Understanding the complex fela claims can help you receive fair compensation. Legal […]

Federal Employers Liability Act The federal employees liability act (FELA) allows injured railroad workers to sue their employers. Unlike workmen’s compensation laws that give out payouts without regard to fault, FELA demands that plaintiffs show that negligence by the railroad was responsible for their injuries. Both current and former railroad workers are able to present […]

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